#miniSLAPPERS Youth Triathlon Camps

In 2024, we will be hosting multiple tri camps for the #miniSLAPPERS:
FREE “Intro to Tri” camps for kids between the ages of 7-14 to explore and test out the sport
Multi-day SLAP Development Team Camps
High Performance Squad immersive training sessions
See below for details and message us if you have any questions. We continue to fundraise and accept donations, sponsorships, and gear for the team to keep the costs of these camps low for all families to participate. Our passion is getting children active and healthy…let us introduce your little ones to the fun triple sport of triathlon!
We require that every child has a USA Triathlon membership (for insurance purposes), a bike with working brakes, a helmet, and everyone must be able to swim the length of a competition pool with their face in the water
We also welcome and happily accept parent volunteers to assist with logistics, snack time, and safety!
Development Camp $180 Registration
Development Camps
June 8-9
July 14-15
Camp is on Saturday and Sunday at Lake Louisa State Park (and in combination with the Sommer Sports Sprint Tri on Sunday mornings).
**Snacks and lunch are provided for all participants. Please bring 2 full water bottles when you arrive (we will have coolers for refill).
**Athletes are NOT required to be participating in the local sprint to attend camp. However, participating in a relay, volunteering, cheering, or getting involved some way is highly encouraged.
Camp will be held at Lake Louisa State Park. You will need to pay $5 park entry each day (save your receipt for re-entry to pick up #minis at end of each day).
Register your child using the PayPal button to reserve a spot for your child (camp is limited to 15 participants).
*If you can volunteer at camp, please let us know! We rely on parent support to make these camps a success!
SLAP Youth tri camp faq'S
A: SLAP Tri Camps are for kids 6-17 years old that want to come train and learn about the sport of triathlon. Every camp is designated for one or more of our team “levels” (Intro, Development, or High Performance). If you don’t know what level your child is, please contact us before registering.
Camper requirements are: a working bike with sufficient brakes, no training wheels, be able to swim the length of a competition pool with their face in the water, and a positive & friendly attitude.
Athletes do not have to be local to Central Florida or Clermont, nor to they have to be part of the SLAP Tri Team to attend camp! We have the largest and most experienced triathlon coaching staff in Central Florida…we invite anyone to attend and benefit from the skills and training, as well as meet other awesome youth triathletes.
A: Each camp has a specific focus that is detailed in the information paragraphs above. Some camps are for fun to welcome new athletes to the sport, some camps will be focused on upcoming races, etc. A more detailed itinerary will be emailed to parents in the week prior to camp. Assume that your child will need ALL their triathlon gear at each camp.
A: We are hosting multiple camps in 2022. The list of tentative dates, locations, and times are posted above. Join our mailing list and join the SLAP Youth Tri Team on Facebook to stay up to date with any changes.
A: Most camps in Clermont will take place inside Lake Louisa State Park in Clermont. The state park has been very generous at allowing us to train on their roads, trails, and open water.
Some camps will take place at the National Training Center in Clermont. The NTC has a beautiful pool to help the team prepare for upcoming pool races.
We are looking at expanding out of the Clermont area for camps later this year and welcome suggestions for locations that permit safe training of all three sports.
A: We enjoy brining the #miniSLAPPERS together for longer training sessions to allow them to get to socialize and build a “team.” Our goal is to encourage participation and grow the team…one of the best ways to do this is by making sure that the young athletes are encouraged to have FUN with the sport and training sessions.
Some of the camps will also be focused on preparing the athletes for specific upcoming races. Our highly qualified SLAP Team Coaches will work with the athletes on their mental and physical preparation to perform well on race day.
A: Athletes are allowed to have their phones at camp…but they will be expected to put them away at Coach’s request for group activities, training, and information sessions.
Please pack all swimming, cycling, and running equipment. Based on the weather for the day, please pack appropriate clothing and changes of clothes. At least 2 full water bottles are required for each camp, as well as a couple snacks.
Every camper MUST have a USA Triathlon annual membership and have signed the SLAP waiver (just once) in 202.
Parents, please inform our Team Manager (Amanda McKnatt) of all of your child’s health issues, learning challenges, allergies or similar. This information will help us keep your child safe and allow your child to have a more positive experience at camp.
We’re deeply grateful for the incredible support and inspiring stories from our SLAP community. Your achievements and growth fuel our passion for delivering exceptional coaching across Central Florida.